Topical Workshops

Using voice,  movement,  games and drama the group, working together will express themselves creatively, learning as they explore these Topical Workshops.

Choose the length of workshop to suit you.

Select from 1 hour per group (i.e between 1 - 4 sessions per day) to a full day for 1 group with performance option.

Maximum of 35 children per session.

The Mayans

Think and breathe as the tribes of this early civilisation.

Explore their gods and beliefs, their acheivements and even their games.

The Ancient Greeks

The gods, the Olympic Games, School life, the Agora,  Myths, Sparta, the theatre...

We explore it all.

The Ancient Egyptians

Pyramids, hieroglyphics, Pharoahs, mummies, the power of the River Nile...

Let's unearth the secrets of Ancient Egypt.

The Vikings

There is more to the Vikings than most people think.

Exploring their culture, religion, food and lifestyle we find different characters living alongside the axe wielding warrior.

The Shang Dynasty

Explore China's oldest civilisation.

Bring to life the Classes of Shang society, from the Royal family to the warriors, down to the farmers and the slaves.

Listen to the Gods and be aware of the predictions of the oracle bones.

The Romans

The bustling forum of 2000 years ago will come to life.

The gods and myths, the Emporers, the Gladiators ... as Roman citizens the children will experience it all.

The Victorians

In the era of mills, mines and railways the door to  Victorian life is open.

Work hard as a Victorian. Taste their school life and be sure not to upset the teacher.

Florence Nightingale

Imagine, see and feel the life of the Lady with the Lamp.

Help Florence as she arrives in Turkey during the Crimean War. See how she changed nursing forever.

Christopher Columbus

Step aboard the Santa Maria and explore the famous eye opening voyages of Columbus.

Let's discover the islands of The New World.

The Gunpowder Plot

The year is 1605. The place is London. The king is James I and all is far from being calm.

Guy Fawkes and his friends are plotting...

Remember Remember the 5th of November.


The Great Fire of London

Experience London in 1666 as Pudding Lane comes to life.

Follow the journey of the fire as it grows, meeting characters as it spreads... the bakers, the King, Samuel Pepys, the rats...they are all there.